
Privacy statement

Made to Fit

1. Data privacy protection at a glance

General information

The following information gives a brief overview of what happens with your personal data when you visit our website. Personal data is all data from which you can be personally identified. Further, more detailed information, on the topic of data privacy protection you can get from the follwing texts of our following privacy statement.

Data collection on our website

Who is responsible for the data collection on our website?

The data collection on this website is conducted by the operator of the website. The contact data of the operator of this website can be seen at the impress section of this website.

How do we collect your data?

A part of your data is collected when you communicate that data to us. These can for instance be data which you enter into one of our contact forms.

Other data is automatically collected through our IT-system when you visit our website. For the most part these are technical data (such as internet browser, operating system, time of your visit etc.). These data are collected automatically, when you enter or website.

For what do we use your data?

A part of the data is collected to ensure error free operation of the website. Other data can be used to analyze your user behavior.

Which rights do you have regarding your data?

You do have the right to get information on origin, recipient and reason for collecting your personal data free of charge. Furthermore you do have the right to demand correction, locking or deleting of your data. For this and other questions regarding data privacy protection you can write to the corresponding address in the imprint section. Furthermore you have the right of appeal at the competent supervisory authority.

You also have the right to demand limitation of procession of your personal data under certain circumstances. For more details on this topic see the “right to imitation of procession” section.

Analytical tools and tools of third parties

When visiting our website it is possible that your surfing behavior is evaluated statistically. That is done for the most part with cookies and analyzing software. The evaluation of your surfing behavior is anonymous. The surfing behavior can not be traced back to you. You can contradict this analysis or prevent it by not using specific tools. More detailed information on this topic you will find below.

You have the right to contradict this analysis. More detailed information on the topic of possibilities of contradiction you will find below.

2. General information and mandatory information

Data privacy protection

The operator of this website does take the protection of your private data very seriously. We are bound to treat your personal data as confidential and according to that we do comply with current legislation in the field of personal data protection and this privacy statement.

When using this website several personal data is collected. Personal data is all data from which you can be personally identified. This privacy statement explains which data we collect and for what it will be used. It also explains upon which purpose it will be collected.

We do point out that data transmission through the internet (e.g. when communicating per e-mail) there is the possibility of security loopholes. A complete protection of data against the access of third parties is not possible.

Information about the responsible party

The responsible party for procession of data on this website is:

Industriearmaturen Göttgens GmbH
Karl-Carstens-Straße 20
52146 Würselen Germany

General manager
Christian Göttgens

Phone: +49–2405–8000–0
E-Mail: +49–2405–8000–29

Responsible party is the natural or legal person, which decides own its own or on the topic of purpose and methods of procession of personal data (e.g. name, e-mail address etc.).

Revocation of the consent of procession of data

Many kinds of procession of data are only possible with your explicit consent. You can withdraw an already given consent at any time. To do so an e-mail to us is enough. The lawfulness of the procession of data prior to the withdrawal of consent shall be not affected.

Revocation against collection of data in special cases and against direct advertising (Art.21DSGVO)

If the procession of data takes place on basis of art. 6 section 1 e or f  DSGVO you do have the right to revoke against the procession your personal data at any time that are stemming from your specific situation. That also applies to profiling based on this regulation. For the legal basis on which the procession of data is based please refer to this privacy statement. If you revoke against the collection and procession of your personal data, we will no longer process your personal data, unless we can verify that there are reasons for processing your personal data because your interests, rights and freedoms predominant or the procession is based on enforcement, exertion or defense of legal claims (Revocation acc. to art. 21, section 1 DSGVO).

Are your personal data processed because of direct advertisement, you do have the right to revoke against procession of such personal data for the purpose of direct advertisement at any time; this also applies to profiling; as long as its purpose is such direct advertisement. If you revoke, your personal data will no longer be processed for the purpose of direct advertisement (Revocation acc. to art. 21 section 2 DSGVO).

Right of appeal at the competent supervisory authority

In case of violations against the DSGVO concerned parties have the right of appeal at the competent supervisory authority, especially in the member state of their permanent address, at their place of work, or at the place of the suspected violation. The right to appeal is without any prejudice of the right to a legal remedy.

Right of data portability

You do have the right to get data, that we collected on the base of your permission or for fulfilment of a contract, transferred to yourself or to third parties in a common machine-processable format. If you request transferring data directly to third parties, this will only take place if this is possible from a technical perspective.

SSL- bzw. TLS -encryption

This website uses a SSL/TLS encryption for the protection of confidential data you send to the operator of the website such as purchase orders, inquiries etc. You can recognize an encrypted connection by looking at the browsers address bar: There the “http//” will change to “https://” and a lock symbol will be displayed in your browser.

When the SSL/TLS encryption is activated, data which have been sent to us, cannot be read by third parties.

Disclosure, locking, deleting and correction

Within the framework of existing legislation you do have the right of disclosure of your own personal collected data, their origin, their recipients as well as the purpose of procession and if applicable the right of correction, locking or deleting of these data free of any charges. To do so and in case of any other question about personal data you can contact the address given in the impress section at any time.

Right of limitation of procession

You do have the right to request the limitation of procession of your personal data. To do so and in case of any other question about personal data you can contact the address given in the impress section at any time. The right of limitation of procession shall apply in the following cases:

  • If you doubt the validity of your personal data stored by us, we do need a certain time to evaluate the situation. For this period of time you do have the right to limit the procession of your personal data.
  • If the procession of your personal data has been conducted in an improper way or is still conducted in an improper way, you can demand the limitation of procession or the deletion of your personal data.
  • In case we do not need your personal data any longer for normal operation but need them for the establishment, exercise, defense of legal claims or litigation, your are obligated to demand limitation of procession of your personal data in place of deletion.
  • In you did appeal acc. to art. 21 section 1 DSGVO, a trade-off between your and our interests has to take place. As long as it has not been determined who´s interests outweigh, you have the right to demand limitation of procession of your personal data.

If you do limit the procession of your personal data, these data – apart from storage itself – can only take place with your consent, or for the establishment, exercise, defense of legal claims or litigation or to protect the rights of a natural or legal person or for reasons of important public interest of the EU or one of its member states.

Appeal against advertising emails

The use of the mandatory contact dates stated in the impress section for the purpose of sending advertising emails without explicit consent is not allowed. The operator of the website does reserve the right to take legal actions in the case of sending advertising emails or spam mails without the explicit consent.

3. Collection of data on our website


The sites on this website use so called cookies. These cookies do not harm your computer nor do these contain any viruses. The purpose of these cookies is to make our  website more user-friendly, more effective and safer. Cookies are small text files, that are placed on your computer and that are stored by your browser.

The most cookies are so called “session cookies”. They will deleted at the end of your visit automatically. Other cookies will remain on your computer until you delete them. These cookies make it possible to recognize your browser on the next visit.

You can configure your browser so that you will be informed in a cookie is placed or cookies are only allowed in special situations or you can deny the placement of cookies completely as well as automatic deletion of cookies when closing your browser. When deactivating cookies the functionality on our website could be restricted.

Cookies that will be needed for electronic communication purposes for function you wish to use, these will be stored upon basis of art. 6 section 1 f DSGVO. The operator of the website does have a justified interest in the storage of these cookies for the purpose of providing error free and optimized services. If other cookies (e.g. cookies for analyzing the surfing behavior) are stored these will be dealt with later in this privacy statement.

What are first-party-cookies?

First-party-cookies are cookies that are created only by this website. The only first-party-cookie, we are currently using, is used to store the selections made in the cookie bar.

Server log-files

The provider of this website stores data which your browser sends to us automatically. These are:

  • Type of browser and version
  • Operation system in use
  • Referrer URL
  • Hostname or the computer
  • Time of the server request
  • IP-Address

Connecting these data with data from other sources does not take place.

The collection of the mentioned above data takes place acc. to art 6 section 1 f DSGVO. The operator of the website does have a justified interest in the storage of these cookies for the purpose of providing error free and optimized services. For that log-files have to be processed.

Contact form

If you send us a request using our contact form, the entries you made in the contact form incl. the contact dates you entered will be stored to fulfill your request and to answer further questions arising. These data will not be transferred to third parties without your consent.

The procession of data entered in the contact form is based only upon your consent (Art. 6 section 1 a DSGVO). You can withdraw your consent at any time. For this a mail to our mail address is enough. The legality of the data processed prior to withdrawing the consent stays untouched by withdrawing the consent.

The data from the contact form entered by you will stay stored unless you demand the deletion of the data, withdraw the consent of procession or the purpose of the storage does no longer exist (e.g. after completion of your request). Binding legal obligations – especially legal retention periods – will stay unaffected.

4. Social media

Twitter plugin

On our website functions of the service Twitter are embedded. These functions are provided by Twitter Inc., 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA. When using Twitter and its functionality “Re-Tweet” the websites you have visited will be connected to your Twitter-account and made available to other users. During this process data will be transferred to Twitter. We do point out, that we as the operator, do not have any knowledge of the content of the transferred data and how it is used by Twitter. Further information on this topic you will be able to obtain from Twitter´s privacy policy:

Processing of data by the Twitter-Plugin takes place only based on your consent (art. 6 section. 1 lit. a DSGVO). In principle processing of data by the Twiter-Plugin is allways deactivated. If processing of data by the Twitter-Plugin is wanted, you have to actively consent by using the corresponding button in the Twitter-Plugin or by allowing cookies for external services in our cookie bar.

You can change the data privacy settings at Twitter inside your Twitter-account settings:

5. Analyzing tools and advertisement

Google Analytics

This website uses functions of the web-analysis-service Google Analytics. The provider of this service is Google Ireland Limited (“Google”), Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irland.

Google Analytics uses so called cookies. These are text files, which are stored on your computer which enable the analysis of usage of the website. The data which is generated by the cookie when using our website will be in most cases transferred to a server of Google located in the USA and will be stored there.

The storage of Google-Analytics-Cookies and processing of data by Google Analytics takes place only based on your consent (art. 6 section. 1 lit. a DSGVO). In principle processing of data by Google Analytics is allways deactivated. If processing of data by Google Analytics is wanted, you have to actively consent by allowing cookies for statistics in our cookie bar.

IP anonymization

On our website we have activated the IP-anonymization functionality. Because of that your IP-address will be reduced by Google inside the member states of the EU or in another contracting state to the Agreement on the European Economic Area before being transferred to the USA. Only in exceptional situations the complete IP-address will be transferred to a Google server in the USA and will be reduced there. On behalf of the operator of this website Google will use this information, to analyze the use of the website and to create reports about the website activity and to provide further services connected to the usage of the website for the operator of the website. The IP-address transferred to Google by your browser will not be connected with other data from Google.

Browser Plugin

You can prevent the storage of cookies by changing the settings of your browser software. We do however point out, that in this case, not all functions of our website will be working correctly. Furthermore you can prevent the collection of personal by data by Google regarding the usage of our website (incl. your IP-Address) produced using the cookie and the procession of this data by downloading and installing the browser-plugin provided at the following link:

Appeal against collection of data

You can appeal against the collection of data by Google Analytics by using the following button:

In this case a opt-out-cookie will be generated, that will prevent the collection of this data when using our website in the future.

More information on the topic of user data with Google Analytics you will be able to obtain in the data privacy policy of Google:


We have concluded a data processing agreement with Google and we do implement the strict requirements of the German data protection authorities when using Google Analytics.

Demographic characteristics at Google Analytics

This website uses a functionality called “Demographic characteristics” from Google Analytics. With this functionality, reports can be crated, which contain information about the age, gender and interests of users. This data is coming from interest-orientated advertisement of Google as well as user data from third parties. These data cannot be connected to a specific person. You can deactivate this functionality at any time by changing the settings inside your Google-account or you can appeal against the collection of data as described in the “Appeal against collection of data” section.

Duration of data storage

Data which is stored by google that is connected with cookies, user-recognition (e.g. user-id) or advertisement-ids (e.g. doubleclick cookies, Android-Advertisement-ID) will be anonymized or deleted after 14 month. For more details please visit the following link:

Google AdWords and Google Conversion-Tracking

This website uses GoogeAdwords. AdWords is an online-advertisement service provided by Google Ireland Limited (“Google”), Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irland.

Part of Google AdWords is the usage of so called Conversion-Tracking. When you klick on a advertisement by Google then there will be generated a cookie for Conversion-Tracking. Cookies are small text files, that your browser will store on your computer. These cookies will loose their validity after 30 days and are not used to personally identify a user. Does a user enter specific websites during the validity of the cookie, Google is able to notice, that this user clicked on the advertisement and has been transferred to the website.

Every Google AdWords customer does obtain a different cookie. The cookies cannot be tracked by the websites of AdWords customers. Information which is obtained using the cookies is used to generate conversion-statistics for AdWords customers that opted for conversion-tracking. These customers will be able to get information about the total number of users, which have clicked on the advertisement and are transferred to a website which has a conversion-tracking-tag. They do however not contain information which is suitable to identify a user personally. If you do not want to take part in tracking, you can appeal against it by deactivating the cookie for Google-Conversion-Tracking using the user setting in your internet browser. If you do so you will no longer be part of the Conversion-Tracking-statistics.

The storage of “Conversion-Cookies” and the usage of these tracking tools is based upon art. 6 section 1 f DSGVO. The operator of the website does have legitimate interest in analyzing user behavior to optimize the web-services and the advertisement.

More information on GoogleAdwords and Google Conversion-Tracking you will be able to obtain from the data privacy policy of Google:

You can configure you browser so that you will be informed of a cookie is being stored or cookies are only allowed under special circumstances or that cookies are completely not allowed or that cookies will be deleted when the browser closed. However there is the possibility that certain functionality of our website will not work correctly if cookies are deactivated.

6. Plugins and tools

Google Web Fonts

This website does use so called Web Fonts for the uniform display of fonts which are provided by Google. Google Fonts is installed locally. A connection to the servers of Google does not take place for that purpose.

Borlabs Cookie

This website uses Borlabs cookie, which will create two technically mandatory cookies (borlabsCookie and borlabsCookieUnblockContent) to store your cookie preferences.

Borlabs cookie will not process any personal information.

In the cookie borlabsCookie your selection upon entering the website will be stored.  In the cookie borlabsCookieUnblockContent your selection of which kinds of (external) media or content you want to be unlocked will be stored. If you want to change these selections later, simply delete these cookies in your browser. Upon entering the website the next time, you will be able to make your selections again.